Creativity Testing Services

Creativity is a part of life. In fact, it is a part of what it means to be human.
Creativity is good for us–good for our health, for our learning, for our coping 
and problem solving. It is easy to see the creativity of famous people 
(Mozart, Einstein, Steve Jobs), but the creativity of young children and the 
creativity of everyday life is even more important to understand and support.
To support it, it is sometimes necessary to measure and assess it.

That is not to say that any test of creativity is perfect. Indeed, no test is perfect.
All assessments are best viewed as estimates. Tests sample behavior and are 
not indicative of what always occurs. This is especially true of creativity tests.
Sometimes creativity is personal or subjective. It is not always expressed in a 
manner that can be measured. Yet some expressions of creativity can be 
estimated. And this can be very useful information to have, for educators, 
parents, counselors, businesses interested in innovation, or anyone to support 
the human capacity for self-expression, originality, and creativity.

The rCAB represents over 35 years of creativity research. (It is pronounced 
“CAB,” the “r” being silent.) The various tests within the rCAB battery are not 
perfect tests but they do give reliable estimates. The rCAB is comprehensive 
and covers virtually all domains and varieties of expression. It is user-friendly: 
examiners(be they educators, managers, whomever) can pick and choose 
from the rCAB and administer only those tests that are aligned with the 
specific objectives for the assessment.

The corporation behind the rCAB has expert personnel available and will work 
with any examiner, researcher, educator, or manager to help choose the right 
tests. Scoring can be done by CTS, or by an examiner, after a bit of training.
CTS can do as little or as much of the assessment as you wish.

The Products page of this website gives a list of available tests. There is also 
a description of each test. A test manual is available; it gives detailed 
rationales and psychometric support for each subtest within the rCAB.